
为我们的下一代提供卓越的培训体验 护理人员 这培养了他们对交付高质量产品的热情, 以患者为中心的护理,并成为医疗保健领域的领导者. 


琼F. 矿工,医学博士,MHA, MMEL, FACS欢迎来到世界博彩公司十大排名诊所研究生医学教育系.  We are delighted you are considering our institution for your residency/fellowship training. Educating the next generation of 护理人员 has been a focal point for the Guthrie Clinic for over a hundred years and we are continuing to expand the offering of programs here.  不管你未来的职业目标是什么, 是否要成为一名社区护工, 前沿研究人员, 医疗保健领导者, 或者未来的教育家, we will provide you the tools to develop a strong foundation to ensure success whatever your path.  

With over 130 residents and fellows representing 11 ACGME-accredited programs and our pharmacy residency, 我们对我们所服务的病人和社区负责.  If you are a prospective resident or fellow or have already trusted us with your training, 请浏览我们的网站了解更多关于我们的课程, 以及追求卓越教育的承诺.  我们GME的部门在这里支持你, 以及我们通过优秀的培训项目服务的病人, 教师, 临床学习环境. 

我们欢迎有才华和抱负的申请人. 我们注重多样性, 并提供一个超越医学实践的教育环境, 比如病人体验, 质量改进, 社区服务, 研究, 教育与领导.  

作为指定机构官员(DIO), 我很荣幸能够领导我们整个系统的各种GME项目. 我们的使命是: 

为我们的下一代提供卓越的培训体验 护理人员 这培养了他们对交付高质量产品的热情 以患者为中心的护理,并成为医疗保健领域的领导者. 

I welcome you to The Guthrie Clinic with its rich tradition in education and invite you to become one of its ongoing success.  

琼F. 矿工,医学博士,MHA, MMEL, FACS
助理教授,GCSOM -普通外科 
(570) 887-3592


“医学教育的存在不是为了给学生提供谋生的途径, 但要确保社区的健康.”
Rudolf Virchow 


戴尔H. 约翰逊二世,MS. Ed., C.A.S.欢迎来到世界博彩公司十大排名医学教育系.  Guthrie has a strong tradition of providing medical education which started in 1910 when the School of 护理 was founded.  世界博彩公司十大排名认识到,教育是健康社区的基础.  我们的机构提供多样化的患者群体, 专门的教师和导师, and excellent clinical departments to support the achievement of your educational goals.  The Medical Education Office at Guthrie now serves a wide variety of learners that includes high school observer/shadowers, 专职健康学生, 护士, 还有研究生医师和药剂师.   

世界博彩公司十大排名的医学教育部门支持大约1,每年有500名学生追求他们的教育和培训目标.  We have cultivated agreements with over 240 educational affiliates and offer a wide range of observation and clinical experiences for students rotating at Guthrie. 

作为医学教育的助理副总裁, I encourage you to explore our website for ways in which our department can help you consider or prepare for a career in healthcare. 

戴尔H. 约翰逊二世,MS. Ed., C.A.S.
(570) 887-4447




作为住院医师和奖学金项目的经理, 我很荣幸能成为我们研究生医学教育部门的一员. 我的职位允许我与GME团队进行互动和指导, 居民, 研究员, 教师和学生学习者. 这个职位很理想,因为它与我的护理背景经验相吻合, 同时拥有商学硕士学位和ACGME项目管理学位.  是否吸引和招聘应聘者, 指导工作人员, 或者体验我们高素质毕业生的喜悦, 在研究生医学教育中工作的每一天都是快乐的. 我的意思是,“我们正在培养合格的医生和未来的领导者.”    

(570) 887-4437


Guthrie’s 行政奖学金计划 is a two-year post graduate program provided to a recent graduate of an accredited MHA, 工商管理硕士, 或MSN程序.

医院的居民可以参与各种各样复杂的病例, and our teaching model encourages one-on-one training with our expert 教师 physicians. 

世界博彩公司十大排名代表了以患者为中心、团队合作和卓越的核心价值观. Its fellowship program is committed to these values as they seek to prepare leaders in the field of cardiovascular medicine. 

欢迎来到世界博彩公司十大排名·罗伯特·帕克医院急诊医学项目. Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital is the flagship tertiary care center for the Guthrie health system, 是梅奥诊所护理网络的成员吗.

As 内分泌学,糖尿病和代谢奖学金 Program we are committed to providing comprehensive and unique training in all areas of endocrine pathology, 不同患者群体的临床经验, 以及研究机会.

与我们优秀的家庭实践教学医生一起工作, each of whom has a devoted patient following and are passionate about teaching and encouraging new physicians, will help you to transform your knowledge base into a life of extraordinary patient care.

The 家庭医学住院医师计划 at Lourdes Hospital focuses on providing a high-quality, patient-centered approach to medicine and prepares residents to practice competently in diverse practice settings.

Our fellows will be provided with opportunities to develop clinical competence in gastroenterology, 包括肝病学, 临床营养, 胃肠道肿瘤, 放射学, 和病理. 

世界博彩公司十大排名罗伯特帕克医院普通外科住院医师计划是一个全面的, 五年制课程旨在帮助医学生具备能力, board-certified general surgeons who will be prepared to participate in rigorous fellowship programs and enjoy extraordinary careers as surgeons.

The Hematology-Oncology奖学金 at Guthrie is a three-year post-graduate program designed to provide the necessary teaching and skills in all areas of Hematology and Oncology.

世界博彩公司十大排名内科住院医师计划是一个为期三年的重点项目, where residents are mentored by highly experienced clinicians using the latest in medical technology and simulation.

The 内科住院医师计划 at Lourdes Hospital is a 6-6-6 program focused on providing a broad base of medical knowledge in Internal Medicine and to graduate well rounded, 富有同情心和独立的内科医生.

Guthrie’s year long 实习护士计划 educates and supports newly licensed registered 护士 through the transition from student to professional RN. 

Our 手术室护士奖学金 program is designed to assist 护士 as they transition into a perioperative role.  

骨科住院医师项目是一个综合性的, five-year program designed to develop outstanding subspecialty and community Orthopaedic surgeons. 

作为一名药剂师,自2001年以来一直在世界博彩公司十大排名执业, the reason I chose Guthrie over other institutions has never disappeared – it’s the family. 在大厅里,不管头衔是什么,人们都互相微笑打招呼. 

The 足部医学和外科住院医师计划 at Lourdes Hospital provides the necessary requirements for Board Qualification and Board Certification for American Board of Podiatric Medicine and American Board of Podiatric Surgery as approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.

The 肺病和危重症医学奖学金 at Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital offers a comprehensive clinical experience in caring for patients with critical illness, 以及门诊和住院的肺病患者.